If you need someone to talk to right now, text the Crisis Text Line (Text HOME to 741741), call the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline (988), or call the Trevor Project LGBTQ Lifeline (1-866-488-7386) for 24/7 support.
What is stress?
Do you feel stressed out? You are not the only one. SF State students report that the number one thing that gets in the way of focusing on school work is stress. Stress is the body’s response to a demand. Stress can be caused by a variety of things including school, work, conflicts with roommates, financial distress, and changes in sleeping habits. Stress effects everyone differently. It can cause sickness, headaches, depression, sleeplessness, etc. If you think you are stressed, there are many ways to keep it under control.
What can you do to de-stress?
You can make a personalized relaxation or self-care plan.
How can you make a personalized relaxation or self-care plan?
- Identify what stresses you out. Take a deep breath to clear your mind. Reflect on the things that stress you out.
- Brainstorm what may help you overcome these stressors or what helped you in the past.
- Choose a few practical solutions to try out for the next time you get stressed out.
- Try out some of the options below!
Tools to reduce stress:

Find self-care practices that work best for you to reduce your stress and support your personal growth. Here are some ideas to get you started!
When you are well nourished, stress may not have a great impact on your health. Make sure to eat regularly and have healthy snacks on hand. Remember to eat your veggies and high-fiber foods.
Get Your Body Moving — try a new exercise class through Campus Rec!
Regular exercise can increase your energy, overall health and improve your mood. Pick something that you like doing. It can be a sport, a dance class, or even a hike in nature. Feeling too busy to exercise? Even a 15 minute walk can have a positive effect on your stress.
Sleeping well is vital to good health, doing well in your classes, and managing your stress. Try going to bed and waking up within one hour of your regular schedule every day. Are you usually up at 8 a.m.? Try waking up no later than 9 a.m. on the weekends. You will find that it’s easier to go to sleep and to wake up in the mornings.
Spend Time with People Who Make You Happy
Hanging out with people you feel good around can act as a buffer against the negative effects of stress. Talk to your support system, have a game night, or go to dinner with your friend!
Find a way to manage your time that works for you. Try using a calendar or organizer. Let your support system know ahead of time that YOU come first, and you may have to stay in some nights to study. Remember, it is okay to say no, and to set boundaries.
Practicing yoga, meditation, or Pilates can help you regulate your breathing and become more mindful and aware of your views, thoughts and feelings.
Do Things You Enjoy
Do what makes you happy. Taking a break from your studies and responsibilities to do something that you enjoy is a great way to reduce your stress. There are many fun things to do around the Bay area, even on a budget.Try them out! Then evaluate. Did they help? What might work better?