Sexual Health at HPW:
Our goal is to foster a sex-positive culture that gives SFSU students the education, tools, and resources needed to do what they deem best for their sexual and reproductive health.
We do this by:
- Providing access to FREE safer sex supplies, such as external & internal condoms, lube, and dental dams
- Offering workshops covering different topics, such as sexual communication, health relationships, and safer sex options and campus resources
- Connecting students to a variety of on and off-campus resources for sexual and reproductive health
Sexual Health Programs
Condom Cart: Our mobile station rotates around campus that offers free safer sex supplies, such as condoms, lube, and dental dams.
Condom Dispensers: For more free condoms, there are two dispensers in each of the locker rooms at Mashouf Wellness Center, and there's a bowl at the information desk in Cesar Chavez Student Center
Free STI Testing: UCSF Alliance Health Project offers free testing for sexually transmitted infections to students. Check out our events page or follow @SFStateCares for upcoming dates.
In-person Resources Available during Office Hours:
Menstrual Supplies: Pads and Tampons are available to students at our resource table in our office. For other locations on campus, check out our Menstrual Health Map.
Condom Kits: Condoms kits are prepackaged bags with a variety of safer sex supplies, such as condoms, lube, and dental dams. These kits can also be requested via mail.
Sexual Health Resources
Here are a few on and off-campus resources for those looking for clinic resources, LGBTQAI+ community outreach and organizations, and more!
Safer Sex Supply Request Form
SF State community groups, organizations, and departments can request free condoms, lube, and sexual health information for their programs, events, and classes.
Sexual Health & Education
These topics provide an introduction to the main topics most often addressed when discussing sexual health and sex education.
Safer Sex and STI Prevention
People use different safer sex practices to protect themselves and their partners from
sexually transmitted infections and/or pregnancy. Here's an overview of different birth control methods, condoms, lube, & other supplies, as well as information about STI's, testing, and resources.
Menstrual Health & Resources (Coming soon!)
Menstruation and its related functions are part of sexual health. This section provides some basic information, tips for managing symptoms, and campus resources.
Sexual Communication & Consent
Communication is essential in practicing consent. Whether a one-night stand or a long-term relationship, talking about sex lets our partner(s) like and don’t like, and for us to do the same. Read more to learn the importance of communication and consent and provides tips on how to talk to your partner(s) about sex.
Sexuality and Gender
Sexuality and gender are part of how people explore, understand, and express themselves. This section offers a basic overview of what sexuality and gender are
Sexual Health Workshops
Attend an Open Workshop: Open workshops covering different sexual health topics, detailed below, are available to students each semester. Check out our events page or follow us @SFStateCares for upcoming dates.
Request a Workshop: Free workshops are available for staff, faculty, or student organizations to request. Please submit a request at least three weeks in advance of the date requested.
Let’s talk about sex! Whether it’s a one-night-stand or a long-term relationship, communication is key. This workshop discusses the importance of sexual communication & consent, and provides tips on how to start these conversations with your partner(s)
Part of life involves the coming and going of relationships. In this workshop, we will be discussing building foundations to foster the growth of new relationships, as well as reflecting on past ones.
There are lots of ways to practice safer sex and it comes down to what’s going to work for you and your partner(s). Part 1 focuses on safer sex supplies, such as condoms, and birth control: what they are, how they work, and the resources available to you.
*Available by Request Only*
Part Two of this workshop looks at sexually transmitted infections (STI’s). We will cover the basics, testing and prevention, and also address the continued stigma, how to disclose status, and other support resources.
*Available by Request Only*